Beyoncé and Zendaya to team up for remake of 1959 classic film ‘Imitation of Life

Music sensation Beyoncé and popular actor Zendaya are reportedly in talks to be casted as the leading pair in the remake of Douglas Sirk’s classic 1959 melodrama Imitation of Life.

As reported by the Sun, the pop queen, 40, and the Euphoria star, 25, who have previously worked together in Be Alive music video in 2016, are currently in talks to join the remake team.

Imitation of Life, based on the best-selling novel by Fannie Hurst, revolves around a white woman who takes in an African-American widow and her daughter, Sarah Jane, whose fair skin allows her to pass as white.

The Academy Awards nominated film starred Lana Turner, Juanita Moore and Sandra Deein key roles.

As per sources claim, the Crazy In Love crooner is reportedly interested in producing the upcoming project. It is yet uncertain whether she would also appear on screen in the film.

The Spider-Man: No Way Home actress would likely play the character of Sarah Jane, said source.

“Everyone wants Zendaya in their films at the moment but it feels like this could be the movie to take her to the next level and really get some awards buzz,” an insider told the Sun.

Beyoncé’s and Zendaya have not confirmed their upcoming collaboration yet.

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