Adele’s doctor reveals surprising secret to star’s dramatic weight loss

Adele’s doctor, Dr. Dominique Fradin-Read, recently opened up about the singer’s weight loss journey, highlighting that diet and exercise alone are not always sufficient for sustainable weight loss. In an interview with US Weekly, Dr. Fradin-Read emphasized that effective weight loss requires a holistic approach. She explained that many patients experience temporary weight loss followed by weight gain, which is often due to not addressing the underlying factors affecting metabolism, hormones, and lifestyle.

Dr. Fradin-Read also discussed the importance of assessing a patient’s metabolic function, thyroid levels, and cortisol levels when working toward weight loss. Hormones, especially during menopause, play a significant role in weight changes. Furthermore, habits, such as evening crashes, stress, sleep patterns, and mental health, are crucial elements to consider. Only once these factors are addressed can a personalized diet and exercise plan be effective.

Adele’s transformation has garnered significant attention, with fans reacting to her stunning weight loss after she shared a photo on Instagram in May. The picture showed her in a fitted black dress with puffball sleeves, wearing black heels, and standing outside her LA home. Her dramatic transformation left fans in awe.

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