Adele has stunned fans with her latest Instagram photo. The singer returned to social media this week to thank the public for her birthday messages – but it was her appearance that really caused a stir. The 32-year-old looks completely unrecognisable in the photo having lost a staggering amount of weight in the past year. The image shows Adele stood outside her LA home wearing a fitted black dress with puffball sleeves, and black high heels. Her hair has been straightened and falls below her shoulders and she is smiling to someone off camera. She wrote: “Thank you for the birthday love. I hope you’re all staying safe and sane during this crazy time. I’d like to thank all of our first responders and essential workers who are keeping us safe while risking their lives! You are truly our angels. 2020 okay bye thanks x.”
Adele looks completely unrecognisable in her latest photo
It has been estimated by experts that the mum-of-one has lost around seven stone in total. Her former personal trainer previously revealed the secret behind her incredible transformation during an appearance on Lorraine. “She’s working out but I think 90 per cent of it is diet,” Camila Goodis confirmed. “It’s a good diet to shed the weight. The first week is intense, green juices and only 1,000 calories. She doesn’t look too thin – she looks amazing.”
On working with the star, she added: “When she came for a workout I didn’t know it was her and when she left, I thought: ‘Oh it looks a little bit like Adele. She looks amazing – she’s changed her lifestyle and diet.” She further added that Adele had likely given up processed food, fizzy drinks and sugar.
It is now thought the Hello singer is training with US trainer Dalton Wong, who has worked with the likes of Jennifer Lawrence in the past