Adele extends gratitude to fans as she announces dates for more shows

that she’ll be performing her “Weekends With Adele” show into mid-2024 at The Colosseum at Caesars Palace.

Taking to Instagram, she said that the tickets for her shows would go on sale on October 26th.

In an earlier post on the Facebook-owned application, Adele thanked her fans in a long caption that accompanied clips from her performances. ”

The 16-time Grammy winner wrote :

“This residency, these shows have changed my life. I desperately needed to fall back in love with performing live again, and I have. I needed to reconnect with my songs and remember what they mean to me, and I have! Being on stage over the last year so up close and personal with an audience again after all these years has been a truly extraordinary restorative experience that I’ll never forget. All the hilarious, soulful, wild and heartbreaking interactions we’ve had are banked in my mind for life. The looks on your faces, seeing you laugh and cry together singing your hearts out and hoarding bags of confetti.

“All the simi dolls, friendship bracelets, flowers, facetime calls and flags. It’s crazy how joyful a show full of sad songs can be!! I’ve felt so much and learned so much about myself and you. It’s humanized everything I thought was scary. Mostly though – it’s just made me realize how much I really enjoy being on stage, that I’m bloody good at it and that it is 100% where I belong!

So let’s go one last time before I turn into a showgirl forever! Love you and I’ll see you on the otherside soon.”

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