Adele will take a ‘big break’ from music after Las Vegas and Munich shows

Adele has revealed plans to take a significant break from music following her ongoing Las Vegas residency, which will culminate in its 100th and final show in November. The British singer shared her intention to step back from the spotlight, expressing that her energy feels depleted after an intense period of touring and performing.

In an interview with German broadcaster ZDF, Adele opened up about her exhaustion, saying, “My tank is quite empty at the minute.” She also made it clear that she has no immediate plans for new music, emphasizing her desire for a long break to focus on other creative pursuits. Despite her successful career, she admitted that she doesn’t even sing at home, adding, “How strange is that?”

Adele’s Las Vegas residency, which has been running for over two years, has been an emotionally draining yet fulfilling experience. The intimate 4,000-capacity shows at Caesar’s Palace have fostered an intense emotional exchange with her audience, which Adele describes as a “positive” and “energizing” experience.

However, her time in Las Vegas hasn’t been without challenges. Adele recounted an incident in June where she responded angrily to an audience member who allegedly yelled, “Pride sucks” during one of her performances. She scolded the individual, saying, “If you have nothing nice to say, shut up, alright?” Reflecting on her reaction, Adele confessed that she tends to get easily irritated, jokingly describing herself as “old and grumpy” at 36 years old.

After her Vegas residency concludes, Adele is shifting her focus to her upcoming concerts in Munich. Unlike her Las Vegas shows, which have been more intimate, the Munich concerts will take place in a specially-built stadium designed to accommodate 74,000 fans. The venue will feature an “Adele experience” with an English pub, a cover band stage, and unique cocktails, as well as the potential for a Guinness World Record for the largest outdoor screen. While the Munich shows are expected to be a spectacle, Adele admitted that she looks forward to focusing on other things in her personal life.

In addition to her music career, Adele also shared her struggles with fame. Despite enjoying the creative freedom that comes with making music, she confessed that she misses the anonymity she had before becoming a global superstar. The fame aspect of her life is something she doesn’t relish, even though she recognizes how extraordinary it is that people connect with her music and voice. Nonetheless, she finds the balance worthwhile as she continues to navigate her life in the limelight.

Overall, Adele’s upcoming break from music reflects her need for rest and reflection after a period of immense success. Fans can expect her Munich concerts to be a grand finale of her current touring chapter, with a focus on enjoying herself and the connection with her audience before stepping away for a much-needed hiatus.

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