Adele gets engaged to Rich Paul amid rumours of marriage: Report

Rich visited Adele’s hometown, London and popped in the question with a four-carat diamond ring.

Adele was recently spotted in London with Rich, where she evaded the paparazzi and her engagement ring with a golden purse. She wore a full-sleeved white shirt, sporting her long locks. Rich shielded her while wearing a denim blue shirt and a white cap. Eagle-eyed fans spotted the engagement ring on Adele’s finger and began speculating whether she was engaged or married.

Adele had added fuel to this fire herself when she recently referred to Rich on stage as her “husband.” However, the report states that it was an inside joke and she’s gotten engaged only now. After she said yes, she celebrated her engagement with Rich by sipping champagne at Chiltern Firehouse the next evening.

Adele recently shared that she will be focusing on “other creative things” instead of music for a while. “I don’t have any plans for new music at all,” Adele said. “I want a big break after this and I think I want to do other creative things, just for a little while.” She added, “I don’t like being famous. I love that I get to make music all the time.”

Adele has taken her time between records over the years. She released her debut, 19, in 2008, her second studio album, 21, in 2011, her third studio album, 25, in 2015, and her fourth LP, 30, in 2021.

She is set to perform a series of residency shows in Germany at the Munich Messe Arena between August 2 and August 24, which she announced in January on Instagram. “I haven’t played in Europe since 2016! I couldn’t think of a more wonderful way to spend my summer and end this beautiful phase of my life and career with shows closer to home during such an exciting summer,” Adele had captioned the post.

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